2009年4月3日 星期五


台灣低亂店TMC的宣老闆才剛由日本跟米國回到台灣,開了記者會跟大家說,爾必達要合作,但美光也想要合作,正在與美光好好洽談合作的可能性。但是,美光老闆愛波頓Steve Appleton在MU的法說會中,卻是直接對宣老闆打槍:我對TMC沒有興趣。

馬鈴薯特別節錄了3段愛波頓在Conference Call中的重要說法給大家聽:

Steve Appleton, Chairman & CEO of Micron, noted that “We just haven’t seen any compelling reason yet in terms of benefits for Micron to participate.”

“And there may be other that we could achieve that could make sense for us, but that’s not one of them.” noted Appleton.

Appleton said, “I don’t know about Elpida, but we’re not in a position today where we need to get an equity investment from a foreign entity in order and they have to turn over our technology, you know, with other considerations. We just don’t see the advantages for us to do that.”

這個意思是說,愛波頓已經很明確的訴諸天下,美光雖然是有在跟TMC談案子,但TMC這個deal是不可能成真的,也不合理,not make sense。也就是說,美光跟TMC之間,愛波頓跟宣老闆之間,其實沒有什麼好談的了。



